Friday, December 13, 2013

My greatest fear.

Fortunately, I’m one of the least  dangerous people in the world.  I have goofy ideas. Political. Economic. Social. But I wield virtually no power. It also helps that my government hasn’t yet been taken over totally by lunatic fringe Republicans. If that ever happens, I’m in deep trouble. Because I’d be considered unpatriotic and a security risk. For my excessively liberal political views. I might be placed in a concentration camp. If not summarily executed. That’s my greatest fear. Being caught up in a topsy-turvy world. For instance, if I had been born into Nazi Germany, I would have had great difficulty surviving. I’m not a Jew. But I have what Nazis would have deemed radical ideas. I’d not have pledged allegiance to Hitler. Could be, I’d have kept my mouth shut.  And done nothing. Other than acquiesce. Like so many other Germans. Don’t know. But I’d like to think not. Certainly, I’m a vocal critic of conservative Republicans. Especially the more far-out ones that might some day force me to flee America. To save my own skin.—Jim Broede

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