Thursday, December 12, 2013

Yes. Yes. Ain't America great?

One can love life. Without loving money. Not all monetarily rich people will agree with me. They covet money. Because it buys them the comforts of life.  Not only the essentials. But luxuries, too. But others require only the essentials. They don’t need the luxuries. I know some very happy people. Without much money. In fact, some of ‘em live at the poverty level. Still, they are happy. And in love with life.  They even love their work. They work hard. Maybe even hold two jobs. But they still have difficulty making ends meet. And if per chance they become ill and need health care, all too often they can’t afford it. They are uninsured. But that’s a problem that the Affordable Care Act (aka Obamacare) seeks to remedy. To make health care affordable to even the poorest of the people. That’s admirable. Unless you are a rich, conservative Republican. Then you might conclude that poor people are lazy bums. They don’t deserve a break. They don’t deserve subsidized health care. And to hell with the 41 million Americans without health insurance.  After all, it’s survival of the fittest. Which translates to survival of the richest. In fact, if you are so poor that you can’t properly feed your entire family – well, that’s tough. It’s your fault that you can’t find a job, or that you have to subsist on the minimum wage. You will no longer qualify for food stamps. Because that’s a government handout that’s gonna be denied. By rich Republicans. Because they need the money for corporate welfare. Intended for the benefit of the rich.  Yes, the message is that government exists to make the rich richer and the poor poorer. Yes. Yes. Ain’t America great? –Jim Broede

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