Thursday, January 16, 2014

An albatross around one's neck.

It astounds me. That so many, many women don’t know how to deal with bad men. And get on with the rest of their lives. Instead, they insist on prolonging a bad marriage/relationship. They don’t want to let go. When it’s really over. Even when it’s a constant source of unhappiness.  They would even accept abuse. Maltreatment. Just to keep their man. Sad. Sad. Sad. What is it? Do they worship the man? The relationship should be a two-way street. With mutual respect for each other. If it’s not there – one might as well get on with the rest of life. And find another way to be happy. Maybe with another man. Or just by learning how to be independent and happy. But some women keep wishing for something that’s not going to happen. Wishing. Wishing. Wishing.  I admire some women. For getting on with life after the divorce/break up. For refusing  to stick it out. For good reasons. For their own self-respect. For the sake of long-term happiness. Because they deserve much better than what they had. Finally recognizing that the men in their lives weren't going to make them happy. That it's a losing cause. Therefore, get on with life. A man should not be allowed to become an albatross around a woman's neck. –Jim Broede

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