Sunday, January 5, 2014

I'll settle for today.

Sent my Italian true love back to Sardinia today. From Arizona. I miss her already. But by Tuesday, we'll be connected on Skype. And sooner or later, I'll be with her in the flesh again. In Sardinia. And she'll be with me in the summertime. In Minnesota. Really, a nice arrangement. She likes the U.S. I like Italy. And we like each other. Such a wonderful relationship. For six years now. Experiencing each other. And each other's world. Back and forth. When we are separated geographically, we still maintain close daily contact, on Skype, by telephone, by email.  Some well-meaning friends say we should be living together all the time. But the present arrangement works splendidly. Both of us feel blessed -- to have each other in very meaningful ways. We accept each other as we are. It's the good life. Beautiful. Endearing. Evolving. She's my second love. After my dear wife Jeanne died (of Alzheimer's) after 38 years of marriage. Anyway, I'm grateful for what I have. No reason to put demands on my true love. Better that she be her natural self. Same for me. I don't crave for more. I am already amply blessed. Funny thing. I know people who want more. People who never have enough -- money, love, anything. Maybe that will be me. Some day. For instance, it might be nice to have life forever. But for now, I'll settle for today. Because I have my true love. --Jim Broede

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