Tuesday, January 21, 2014

I'd try to emulate Obama.

For a while, I was disenchanted and disappointed with Barack Obama. With his performance as president. But I’ve reconsidered. He’s doing an admirable job. Because he’s not allowing the role to consume him. He’s taking time off. To spend with his family. And a handful of friends.  He knows better than to spread himself thin.  He has a distaste for mixing with politicians. Especially Republicans. He probably would like to avoid people, period. And not have to socialize. I like that. It’s an attribute. Of course, Obama can mix socially. And make a good impression. With intelligent conversation. A necessary part of being president. But if Obama had his druthers, he’d withdraw. Into a cocoon. Virtually every day.  I suspect he does that now. To a limited extent. To recuperate and rejuvenate. If I were a politician, I’d try to emulate Obama.  And avoid politics as much as possible. –Jim Broede

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