Thursday, January 30, 2014

No hiding from me.

I know racists. They are easily identifiable. Because I have a keen sense. I pick up the negative vibes. Always. When I am in the presence of a racist.  They can’t hide from me. No matter how much they try. I’ve had this ability. Ever since I was a youngster. I grew up with racist relatives. Oh, not all of ‘em qualify. But many do. Too many. I know where racists flock. For instance, many of ‘em are Republicans. Especially those of the conservative ilk. Little wonder that black Republicans are few and far between. Black people can tell a racist from a mile away. I’m white. But I can tell from two miles away. Maybe it’s the stench. My nose sniffs them out. The U.S. House of Representatives is full of racists. The Senate, too. But more so in the House. No surprise that Republicans control the House. The racist Republicans abhor Obama. Solely because he’s black. Privately, they use the N-word. Publicly, they use other euphemisms. Such as thug.  Most won’t admit being racists. But occasionally, an honest racist emerges. Openly acknowledging his racist and Nazi-like tendencies.  But the worst kind of racists are the subtle ones. The born liars. They hide behind facades. But I have penetrating eyes. A penetrating mind, too. No way can a racist hide from me. –Jim Broede

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