Monday, February 10, 2014

For camaraderie with Fritz & Dieter.

It was the last place I wanted to visit. Las Vegas. But I’m gonna fly there. In June. Because my wonderful German cousin Fritz and his wonderful neighbor Dieter will be there. They are addicted to foreign travel. Particularly to the U.S. And they want me to meet them. In Vegas. Of course, there are better places I’d rather be. Except I’d go to hell for the opportunity to spend a few days with Fritz and Dieter. They’re good company. Besides, Fritz is my very favorite cousin. A guy I didn’t know existed. Until I did extensive ancestral research. A few years ago. After retiring.  Lo and behold, Fritz and I share the same distant high-number great grandfather. From around 1820. A guy named Valentin Broede. Furthermore, Fritz has our ancestry traced all the way back to the 1600s. In Switzerland. Anyway, the long and short of it: Fritz and I have cultivated an extraordinary friendship. We visit each other. Fairly often. In Germany. In the U.S. Fritz has made about 10 visits to America. Meanwhile, he’s introduced me to many German cousins. And his friends. In Deutschland. Yes, he’s linked me to my precious roots. Made me feel my pulsating German blood.  Therefore, Vegas, here I come. For another of many grand reunions. Believe me, I’d go anywhere for camaraderie with Fritz. And Dieter, too. –Jim Broede

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