Friday, February 7, 2014

Making life bearable.

My Alzheimer-riddled friend Ron is in a behavioral modification program. Run by so-called dementia experts. Unfortunately, they are doing Ron more harm than good. Because, in my opinion, they are over-medicating him. Trying to drug him into ‘good behavior.’  With sedatives, and other stifling medicines.  Ron would be better off. With virtually no drugs. Instead, Ron needs my good vibes therapy.  Round-the-clock. Twenty-four hours a day. Of course, he won’t get it. Because that would be too inconvenient and too expensive. Easier to drug Ron.  Into a stupor.  It’s far cheaper, and an easier way for nursing homes to make money.  Nursing homes are businesses. Out to reap profits. That’s the nature of the game. It’s too idealistic to think that truly effective care should be provided for those in need – for no profit.  Merely because it’s the right thing to do. I’d be happy to teach the care-givers good vibes therapy. For free.  It’s really simple stuff.  The creation of an environment in which good vibes are exuded all day, all night.  No bad vibes allowed. I practiced it for 38 months. For 8 to 10 hours a day. It worked. Made life bearable. Not only for me. But more importantly, for my dear sweet Jeanne. –Jim Broede

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