Tuesday, February 11, 2014

To Mars: In the blink of an eye.

I was on Mars. Only a few minutes ago.  Walking on the surface. In a courtyard.  Paved with natural stone. Similar to the ways the ancient Romans would have done it. I made the trip. With the help of my spiritual imagination. While entranced by actual color photos. Taken by the Mars Rover. Sent by NASA.  They were printed in today’s New York Times. I really was there.  In spirit. Amazed. Enthralled. It was the preview of a truly spiritual life. When my soul/spirit leaves my physical being. Allowing me to go to any place in the cosmos. In an instant. Faster than the speed of light.  My gawd, I thought. How long did it take Columbus to sail across the ocean? And here I’ve been. To Mars and back. In the blink of an eye.  –Jim Broede

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