Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Cruel and all-too-usual punishment.

Cruel and all-too-usual punishment. That’s what my Alzheimer-riddled friend Ron was subjected to. When he spent two months in a hospital. Enrolled in a behavior modification program.  They experimented with Ron. Took him on and off various medications. Tried different kinds of therapy. The experts tried just about everything. Except fresh air.  Ron spent the entire time indoors. Didn’t go outdoors. For walks. To which Ron was accustomed to. He likes to go for walks. I used to take him for strolls. Daily. Ron was something of a problem for the behavioral gurus. I suspect it was because Ron didn’t get sufficient exercise. Or sufficient fresh air. Thing is. Fresh air probably is the best medicine one can find. When my dear sweet Jeanne had Alzheimer’s, I took her outdoors virtually every day. Even in wintertime. In Minnesota. When she couldn’t walk no more, she went out in a wheelchair. Tucked in a thermal sleep bag. We went for miles and miles. Through the snow. Even in thunderstorms. Jeanne responded. Favorably. So would many others with Alzheimer’s. But when I visit nursing homes, seldom do those in the memory care units get outdoors. They are denied fresh air. And that’s an inexcusable shame. Yes, it’s cruel and all-too-usual punishment. –Jim Broede

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