Thursday, March 27, 2014

I can live happily ever after.

For a change. I decided to spend most of winter in my homeland. Minnesota. For the first time in four years. Maybe that’s proof --  that I should have my head examined. I normally trek to paradise. For the entire winter.  Yes, all the way to magnificent, beach-blessed Sardinia, the Mediterranean island homeland of my Italian true love.  Instead,  my beloved joined me. In America. For winter. Oh, I knew better than to subject her to a full-blown real winter. So I had her stay for only a few weeks. Over the Christmas-New Year holiday. She acquiesced. On condition that we spend our time together in Arizona. She prefers Minnesota only in the summertime. Anyway, that worked. We got to the Grand Canyon, plus other places in the American Southwest. Of course, for me, everything is grand and glorious when I’m with my true love. I could be in hell. But if my true love were with me, I’d make the best of it. And be happy. Not sure that she would be quite as joyous. But still, I’d show her a good time in wintry hell. And make her think it was paradise. I’d prove my point if ever she decides to spend a winter. With me. In Minnesota. But I ain’t gonna put her to the test quite yet.  Next winter, I’m headed back to Sardinia. And most likely for the winter after that and after that and after that and after that. Yes, for the foreseeable future. I have fully learned my lesson. I can live happily ever after. Without experiencing another Minnesota winter. –Jim Broede

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