Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Until Obama leaves the White House.

It’s no secret. I detest the two-party American political system. The  federal and state  governments. Keep flitting. Back and forth. Between Democrats and Republicans.  We Americans. Have two choices. Bad. And very bad. Of course, bad seems somewhat good. When constantly contrasted with very bad. It’s all relative. But then, that’s the nature of American politics. Corrupt. Easily bought. By big money. By rich people. And corporations. Occasionally, I become hopeful. That things will change. For the better. When Barack Obama was elected. I had high hopes. But Obama was saddled with the worst economy since the Great Depression. And a Republican Congress intent on making Obama fail. Possibly because he’s a black man. Not white. Skin color makes a difference. Because America has always had strong racist elements. In politics. And in economic and social matters, too.  The founding fathers were racists and supporters of a slave economy.  Racism is a part of the American soul.  Indeed, that’s sad. But it’s reality. Far too many Americans can’t accept a black president. That’s what all the feuding is about. For six years now, and counting. The racists won’t let up. Until the black man leaves the White House.  –Jim Broede

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