Sunday, March 2, 2014

I'm for trying. Almost anything.

World government. May not be a completely bad idea. Of course, it’s not going to happen. Maybe ever. But hey, it’s worth a try. A way to bring the world under some semblance of control. And enforced human decency. Maybe a world government could prevent wars. Settle differences by acclamation. Serving the common good. Thing is. Maybe it’s impossible to identify what benefits society as a whole. No agreement. Therefore, everyone should be allowed to more or less go his/her own way. That’s essentially what we have now. And it doesn’t seem to be working. Exploitation prevails. The rich. Especially the political manipulators. They dominate. It’s really a dictatorship of the few. Over the many. In world government, maybe the many would dominate the customary manipulators. Theoretically, that’s possible. Practically, it may be impossible. Anyway, I’m for trying. Almost anything. –Jim Broede

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