Friday, March 14, 2014

On turning 'enemies' into friends.

My so-called enemies. They really aren’t enemies. I merely pretend they are. Often for laughs. I have disagreements. With real people. But that doesn’t make ‘em enemies. Even Republicans. That I castigate. Regularly. They ain’t enemies. Yes, they are stupid. And mean-spirited. But those are insufficient reasons to give then real ‘enemy’ status. Only pretend enemies. So that I can mock them. Years ago, right here in my blog, I labeled a group of snotty women ‘snob ladies.’ Treating them as ‘enemies.’ But really, they weren’t. I loved ‘em all. Just happens, that’s my odd way. To cozy up. To potential enemies. Of all kinds. Because they are good influences. Getting me to see the humorous, less serious side of life.  Allowing me to turn would-be enemies into true friends. –Jim Broede

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