Saturday, March 15, 2014

Rigged in countless ways.

Hypocritical Americans (especially Republicans). It ain’t all right for Putin to rig an election. In Crimea. But it’s okay to rig elections in the USA. With voter suppression laws. Intended to make it difficult to vote. With picture ID laws. With limited single day voting hours  (7 a.m. to 7 p.m.).  With too few voting machines.  Scams. Designed to make voting difficult. For  certain citizens. Especially for minorities and low income Americans. Because they tend to vote Democratic. Let’s be truthful. About rigged elections. Right here. In America. Rigged primarily by the right wing. By the conservative Republicans. I want a less hypocritical America. Where everyone is given ample opportunity to vote. Maybe week-long voting. Let’s get huge turnouts. Instead of discouraging voting, let’s encourage it. Like the Russians are doing in Crimea. I have little doubt that the referendum in Crimea, this Sunday, won’t be any more rigged than a typical American election. Yes, that’s the nature of politics and electioneering. Games. Dirty games. Rigged. By the power elites. Rigged. One way or another. Rigged in countless ways. –Jim Broede

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