Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Small bully vs. big bully.

Politicians and powerful people (mostly rich) run the countries of the world. And they all are manipulative. Out after their own best interests. They are biased. Often unfair. Especially in their dealings with other countries. But also with their own citizens. The bigger, more powerful nations  are bullies. Certainly, that applies to the U.S.  Which may be the biggest bully of all. So when the U.S. complains about Russia/Putin being a bully, I have to laugh. The U.S. accuses Russia of violating international law. Funny again. Because the U.S. doesn’t even recognize many international laws. America pretty much does as it pleases. That’s what bullies do. Anyway, nice to see small bully Russia standing up to big bully USA. --Jim Broede

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