Friday, March 21, 2014

The bully has yet to learn his lesson.

I’d love to be the American calling the political and diplomatic shots. I’d start. By making Russia my foremost ally. Makes so much sense. Face it. Two bullies working together can accomplish far more than two bullies operating as adversaries. Think of the world problems that could be solved. By a united American-Russian bullying effort.  The Syrian debacle. The Iranian debacle. The Palestinian-Israeli debacle.  If we Americans had been smart, we’d have spent the post Cold War period cultivating camaraderie with Russians. With the Russian politicos. With the Russian people. The opportunity was there. But we Americans muffed it. Because as arrogant bullies, we wanted to lord the collapse of the Soviet Union over the Russians. To treat them as the defeated.  We relished the role of conquering bully. Making sure that the Russians understood. Felt humiliated. Little wonder. Stupid bullies often snatch defeat from the proverbial jaws of victory. They don’t know how to be gracious. To win the right way. With a sense of humility. Making friends of longtime enemies. That’s the secret of political and diplomatic success. And yes, the world’s biggest bully (America) has yet to learn this vital lesson. –Jim Broede

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