Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Time to outsmart the stupid.

Unfortunately, America has more than a fair share of stupid white men. Which is good news for Republicans. And bad news for America. Stupid white men vote heavily for Republicans. Yes, that’s conclusive proof – that they are, indeed, very stupid. Most of ‘em are lesser-educated Americans. They can easily be sold a bill of goods.  With negative and false political ads. The type of misleading propaganda purchased by the conservative billionaire Koch Brothers. Tell a lie often enough, and stupid white men will accept it as the gospel truth. Republicans know it. And they don’t hesitate taking advantage of the stupid. Little wonder. Republicans control the House of Representatives. And appear to be in a position to gain a majority in the U.S. Senate this fall. If that happens, maybe the Democrats are more stupid than stupid white men and stupid Republicans. Otherwise, they would go on a counter-offensive and thwart the Republicans. With smart political maneuvering. –Jim Broede

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