Sunday, April 6, 2014

Book me. On the Spiritual Express.

No way. Do I want to go visiting exotic places. In the cosmos. While I’m a physical being. As spirit – well, that’s another thing. I’d pack my spiritual bags. Without hesitation.  And take off for a place called Enceladus.  Really, it’s a small moon. With a diameter of only 300 miles. Hovering around the planet Saturn. You know, the planet with the colorful rings. Scientists are speculating. Based on fly overs made by the American Cassini spacecraft, that Enceladus has an underground sea. As big as Lake Superior, our largest fresh water lake. The evidence includes what may be water. Shooting out in geysers. At Enceladus’ South Pole.  Of course, water is a building block for physical life.  Scientists want to some day capture whatever it is spiraling out of the moon’s icy and rocky veneer. Maybe warm water containing microbes. Curious spirits frolicking in the cosmos may already know. Could be they are swimming. In the Enceladus’ sea. I’m scoffed at. By my Italian true love.  Because I have enormous difficulty. Floating on my back. That is, here in the physical realm. But I’m imagining. As a spirit. I could float and float and float. Not only on clouds. But on my spiritual back. On the Enceladus underground sea.  Book me passage. On the Spiritual Express. I covet the chance. To truly master the back-floating technique. Albeit, in a spiritual way.  –Jim Broede

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