Saturday, April 19, 2014

Slowly. Slowly. Losing my faith.

Doesn’t matter whether the Chicago Cubs win or lose.  Because it’s only a baseball game. Not a life-or-death situation. That’s what I keep telling myself. As if I really believe. That it doesn’t matter. Unfortunately, it does matter. Deep down. In my psyche. In my heart of hearts. I’m a Cubs fan. Addicted. To my baseball team. Used to be that it mattered very, very, very, very much. Now it matters only a single very much. A sign of progress. In my quest to become a recovering Cubaholic. It should be easier. Because the Cubs have become a pitiful baseball team. Pathetic. Downright inept. A disgrace. Oh, still somewhat loveable losers. But less loveable than before. I’m trying hard. To convince myself. To no longer love the Cubs. May take a while yet. But I’m working on it. Mightily. Cubs fans deserve better. Don’t they? Enough is enough. Shouldn’t allow losing to matter any more. Yes, learn acceptance. The Cubs will always be losers. That’s their fate. Sadly, I’m losing, too. My longtime faith. In the Cubs. Ever winning a World Series again.  Better to get on with the rest of life. –Jim Broede

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