Saturday, May 24, 2014

Go to it, Julie. Give us all a treat.

I’m trying to persuade my friend Julie to become an actress. She’s got the ability. But not the desire. ‘I don’t want to fake it,’ she tells me. ‘I just want to be me.’  Yesterday, Julie  had a sour puss. She was upset. Because her Alzheimer-riddled father was having a bad day. Julie was exuding bad vibes. And that was of no help to dad. He needs good vibes. All the time. ‘Smile,’ I pleaded. Julie said she can’t. Because she’s unhappy.  That’s when I decided Julie needs to become an actress. So she can play a role. As a happy Alzheimer’s care-giver.  A real good actress can play almost any role. By imagining. By living the role. With compassion. With love. Even if one doesn’t have compassion and love. By merely giving it an honest try. That’s all I expect from Julie. A smile. Even when she doesn’t feel like smiling. Do it, Julie. Smile. For dad. For your husband. For me. For everyone.  You look good when you smile. And not so good when you frown. Check it out. Look in the mirror. You really are a blessed woman. Despite an occasional pitfall. Your life ain’t all that bad. You have legitimate reason to smile. Without faking anything. Go to it, Julie. Give us all a treat. –Jim Broede

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