Sunday, May 11, 2014

My ideal society.

This world needs more societies. In which the monetarily rich are looked at. With a little bit of disdain. It’s all right. To be a millionaire or a billionaire. But only if the wealth is used for the common good. Rather than for the individual’s selfish good. That’s my concept of the ideal society. Won’t ever be.  But it’s a nice dream. And that’s what I happen to be. A dreamer. Among other things. I want a society. In which everyone is provided with the basic necessities of life. A good education. Good health care. An income that gets one by. In a reasonable manner. Everyone would be guaranteed work. A job with a decent minimum wage.  The sad thing in all of this. In capitalist societies this is considered more nightmare than dream. Because the aim is to make money. Lots of it. To make for super comfortable and extravagant lifestyles. Even if that means exploitation of the masses. And no respect for the common good. –Jim Broede

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