Thursday, May 29, 2014

My kind of noble war.

Alzheimer’s Disease. Time to call it what it is. A mental illness. A form of insanity. And Alzheimer’s should be treated as such. Sad thing. There’s s no cure.  The illness gets progressively worse. And often leads to a slow, lingering death. Ain’t pretty.  Better to die of physical ailments rather than the mental ravages of Alzheimer’s.  Caring for the Alzheimer-riddled takes special training. Special skills. Maybe even a special saintly personality. I have some of the training and skills. But I’m far more devilish than saintly. I also look at Alzheimer’s in a clinical sense. Asking, how do we deal with it? As a society, we are still searching for an answer. The most logical one. A cure. A magic bullet. A pill. A miracle drug. That’s probably the only way.  A project. Equivalent to the development of the hydrogen/atomic bomb. Or the landing of man on the moon. As for the money. Maybe an amount equivalent to that spent on wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.  Yes, a shifting of national priorities. Far better and more noble to wage war on Alzheimer’s.  –Jim Broede

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