Thursday, May 29, 2014

An uncaring society.

When I was a youngster, we had a mental institution in our little town of 10,000 inhabitants. People who had nervous breakdowns and other mental disorders went there. For treatment. Mostly psychotherapy, I think. They might have stayed for a few weeks. With the more serious cases there for months or maybe even years. Now almost everything is done on an outpatient basis. I would change all that. And return to old times. Making it easier to get people committed to sanitariums. For evaluation and treatment. I have a friend or two. That I’m concerned about. They should be compelled to get help. Even if it’s against their wishes. Wouldn’t hurt if they were institutionalized for two or three weeks. And evaluated. And treated. By a psychotherapist.  It would do them good.  To get away. From the rest of the world. Perhaps making them more mentally fit. To tackle and cope with the complicated rigors of life.  Instead, we tend to leave troubled people on their own. It’s totally up to them. To sink or swim.  Yes, one more sign of an uncaring society. –Jim Broede

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