Friday, May 9, 2014

The indecent nature of politics.

Decent human beings. Every time I see one. I rejoice. They are out there. My friends. Most of ‘em are decent. Not all. There are exceptions. Some are trying. And may make it some day. I don’t always  qualify.  I fall short. In certain ways. So, who am I to judge?  I confess. I don’t treat everyone decently all the time.  Especially politicians.  But then, too many politicians are far less than decent human beings.  That’s what drew them to politics. A lacking. No sense of decency. Natural born liars. Cheaters. Which allows them to thrive in the realm of politic.  They know how to play the game.  Effectively. The ends justify the means. Usually, I have no qualms about treating indecent people indecently. Maybe that’s wrong. I should be kinder. More forgiving.  Especially of perceived  enemies. When meeting a truly decent person, I invariably return the decency. Several fold. Decency tends to breed decency.  But it works the other way, too. Indecent politicians retaliate. They treat each other badly. For spite. Sets off a chain reaction. Resulting in endless personal warfare. That’s the indecent nature of politics. Sad, isn’t it? –Jim Broede

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