Tuesday, May 6, 2014

The inherent right to be a jackass.

Doesn’t bother me. If the next time I attend a city council meeting, if people choose to recite the pledge allegiance or some prayerful mumbo-jumbo.  After all, I’m there mostly as an observer. And I participate only when I choose. I abstain from prayers and pledges. The U.S. Supreme Court ruled 5-4 this week that it’s constitutional to open town meetings with sectarian prayers. The liberals/progressives on the court dissented. As far as I’m concerned, it’s all trivial, meaningless stuff. Like singing the Star-Spangled Banner before a sporting event.  It’s entertaining. And funny. I never sing. But I like to watch the super patriots get their reverential pleasures by singing out of tune. It’s probably good for their souls. If they want to pray before, during or after the game or meeting – that’s all right, too. To each his own.  I’ve learned to accept the world pretty much as it is. In all its goofiness. I even accept lunatic fringe Republicans. The craziest of the crazy. Let them be. As long as they don’t require me to bend to their crazy wishes. I’ll go my way. They can go their bumbling course. We are all free to make jackasses of ourselves. At public meetings, at sporting events, even in church.  –Jim Broede

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