Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Without regrets.

I have to remind myself. Virtually every day. That I can’t control the world. That things happen. Doesn’t matter whether or not I’m on the face of Earth. Doesn’t matter, too, whether or not there’s a god. Because if there is, god would still choose not to intervene. To merely let matters evolve. Naturally. Without intervention. Yes, god practices acceptance. That sends me a message. We humans had better learn to be on our own. And not bank/rely on help from the creator. Oh, it’s all right to wish for help. If that helps. Psychologically. For instance, I like to play mental games. With a big assist from my imagination. I can assume the existence of an intervening god. In a sense, I can create god. And truly believe in something that doesn’t exist. That gets me by. I can even believe that a make-believe god wants me to be spiritual. And to practice acceptance. And to savor life. No matter what.  The longer I live, the more I realize. That life is a day to day proposition. In fact, moment to moment.  One learns to make the best of it. Without regrets. –Jim Broede

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