Thursday, June 12, 2014

In love. Despite the pitfalls outside.

When it comes to politics.  Survival was always possible. For me, that is. I could save myself. Because I live in America. Of course, it helps that I’m a white male. If I were black, or a woman, it might be different. Or if I were Muslim. I’m allowed to detest Congress. To detest my representatives. To detest the president.  I’m able to avoid swearing undying allegiance.  I can even take political potshots. Right here in my blog.  Maybe because I’m a political nobody. A gadfly. With no clout.  Maybe if I lived in Syria or Iraq or Iran or Saudi Arabia, my life would be different. More perilous. I’d have less freedom. Less political leeway. Less opportunity to be truly expressive. Don’t know if I’d have been able to survive in Nazi Germany.  Unless I kept my mouth shut. Or acquiesced to obscenities against humanity. Of course, I hope that day never comes in America. I’m beginning to notice all sorts of obscenities. Political and otherwise. More and more. Every day. Don’t know how much longer I can ignore it all. In good conscience. Perhaps I’ve waited too long. Sooner or later. I may have to leave America. Because. As an individual. I’m more or less powerless. Can’t do anything to fix the problem. Other than sacrificing my life. Becoming a martyr. And I’m not ready for that. I have better options.  Such as retreating to my cocoon. Where I create my own little world. In love.  With life. Despite the pitfalls outside. –Jim Broede

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