Monday, June 23, 2014

My detour to hell.

Something rare is happening for a few days this week. Taking time off. From my blog. As I go to hell. Las Vegas. Not to gamble. But to socialize. With my German compatriots. Including German cousin Fritz.  I discovered Fritz and several other German cousins 13 years ago. And we’ve visited often. In Germany. In the U.S.  Fritz helped me trace my ancestry back to Switzerland. In the 1600s. He’s taken me there. To the very homeland, the very ground where my ancestors tread.  Indeed, a spiritual  experience. Now I am about to experience Las Vegas. With Fritz and Dieter and Dirk.  Maybe that will be spiritual, too. Not because of the Vegas environs per se. But the camaraderie. I’ll see you here again. Maybe Thursday.  With an account of the happenings. –Jim Broede

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