Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Preferential treatment. I deserve it.

Preferential treatment. I believe in it. Helps to be in good with me. Because you are more likely then to get preferential treatment. In that sense, I’m not even-handed with everyone. That’s impossible. I treat people as individuals.  And therefore, I try to treat them in tailored ways. Tailored for them. That’s a difficult thing to do. Because it takes time. And effort. There’s only so much time and effort to go around.  I can’t be absolutely fair to everyone. Let’s pretend I’m a teacher. With 30 students.  Most likely. The ones I like. Or empathize with. Will get more of my attention.  That’s life.  The way it is. No doubt, I’m treated preferentially, too.  Fairly. And unfairly. I have to learn to cope with it. Making the best of the situation.  Recognizing. That I have to work. To attain preferential treatment.  Often, I deserve it. –Jim Broede

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