Monday, June 30, 2014

Steak And more steak.

When my German friends go shopping for beer. In America. One might expect that they’d spare no expense.  Because they want the best. Something equivalent to the German world-class beers. But hey, they surprise me. And go cheap. And for quantity too. Busch beer. Brewed in St. Louis. On sale. At Wal-Mart. In Las Vegas. A 30-pack. For $14.97. Yes, a mere 50 cents a can. They store the bulky pack in the trunk of their rented Chevy Impala. Transferring a few cans to  an ice-filled cooler. Making the brew ready for their gala picnics. On their three-week tour of the American South and Southwest. The cooler also contains sandwich fixings.  American-style white bread and bologna, salami and cheese.  Fritz, Dieter and Dirk tell me, though, that they’ll indulge themselves once a day. By dining out. At nice restaurants. Serving their favorite American cuisine.  Steak. And more steak.  –Jim Broede

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