Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Color has everything to do with it.

If Barack Obama’s skin color could be magically changed. So that he passed as lily white. He’d probably be better received. By white zealot Republicans. But maybe it’s too late for re-coloring. Because Obama would still be remembered by bigots. As the son of a black father and a white mother. Amazing, isn’t it? Why that makes a difference. When it shouldn’t. Unfortunately, racial bias has been engrained. In the conservative American psyche. There’s a longing among so many, many white Americans for the good old days. When blacks knew their subservient place in apartheid society.  When they knew. Beyond a doubt. That they would never become president of the United States of America. That they had better settle for being cotton pickers.  And only 60 percent equal to white humans. Little wonder that Republicans don’t want immigration reform.  Most immigrants aren’t lily white. Therefore, they don’t deserve fair and humane treatment. –Jim Broede

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