Tuesday, July 1, 2014

We're all closed-minded.

I admit it. I’m prejudiced. Against the conservative leaning majority. On the U.S. Supreme Court. They’re closed-minded. From my perspective as a far-out liberal. Politically. Socially. Economically.  In almost all walks of life.  I am a devout liberal. I can hardly wait. For the conservatives to be replaced. By liberals. Of course, I’m deemed as closed-minded. By conservatives. But hey, I’m not any more closed-minded than they. It’s only that I’m closed-minded in the other direction. Meanwhile, I accept life. Pretty much as it is. Because many of the conservative decisions don’t really affect me directly.  I still go about  my business. Of living in a liberal manner.  I spout liberal thoughts. I poke fun at conservatives. At the risk of being persecuted. But then. I have the option of seeking refuge. In another country. In Sardinia. With my Italian true love. By the way, in the city in Sardinia. Where I reside. There are communists on the city council. And the main street is named after the late Antonio Gramsci. One of my heroes. A communist. –Jim Broede

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