Monday, June 16, 2014

The suspense...and thrill of life.

I’m open. And above board. With my friends. With acquaintances. Even with strangers. With virtually everyone. That’s the way I approach life. Openly. As if I have nothing to hide. In that sense, I go naked into the world. Of course, I don’t reveal everything. Not because I’m hiding something. Instead, I see no need to. If it’s pertinent. Then I reveal it. I think of my life as an open book. Better than a novel. Because it’s real. So interesting. So very intriguing. Because I don’t even know what’s going to happen next. I take it a paragraph, a page, a chapter at a time.  It’s very fascinating. Learning something new about myself. Every day. Sometimes, I can hardly wait. To see what’s going to unfold. Tomorrow. Next week.  Thing is. I don’t know everything. Just as well. That adds to the suspense. And the thrill of life. –Jim Broede

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