Tuesday, June 17, 2014

No conscience.

I find it shameful. The way some nursing homes are operated. By big corporations. That distance themselves from the actual care. Or to be more accurate, the lack of adequate care. Instead, the aim is to reap the biggest profit possible. Obscene profits. At the sacrifice of truly good care. They overcharge. Oh, the facilities are posh. Very nice. Framed pictures hang in the hallways. Reminds me of an art gallery. But the quality of care too often is dreadful. The homes are understaffed. By underpaid employees. Some of whom truly care. But others couldn’t care less. I try to deal with a nursing home that grossly over-medicates the dementia-riddled. They do it. For the sake of making the Alzheimer-afflicted ‘more manageable,’ I’m referred to the corporate headquarters in a distant city. With my complaint. And my assigned contact is the ‘manager of public relations and crisis communications.’ At least that title reflects the truth. This is a place with crisis after crisis. And this person I am dealing with is in charge of cover-ups. She has no conscience. That’s necessary. To let these things happen. --Jim Broede

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