Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Finally. Asking the key question.

I have interesting thoughts. Intriguing thoughts. Don’t I? That’s why you come to me. You like to eavesdrop. On my mind. You are curious. But you don’t dare share your thoughts. With me. Or. Perhaps with anyone. Maybe that’s the difference. Between the two of us. I’m not fearful. Of going naked. Into the world. I open up. With some of my innermost thoughts. Makes me wonder. Why I do this. And you don’t. Perhaps you do. But not with me. Anyway, I practice. Thinking out loud. With my friends. But with strangers, too.  My thoughts don’t have to be in writing. I blurt them out. To the stranger. Sitting next to me. Or that I bump into. On a solitary walk. Tonight. I approached a stranger. When I was disembodied.  In a dream. Seemed so fanciful. I inquired. About what’s going on. Seemed as though I was being inducted. Into another world.  I was being processed. Wondering. Wondering what comes next.  Feeling my way. Becoming acclimated. I stepped out of line. And shared my thoughts. With anyone that crossed my path. I was looking for clues. To discover. Where I am. It didn’t yet occur to me. To ask, who and what I am? So. That’s what I’m doing. Now.  –Jim Broede

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