Wednesday, July 9, 2014

I'm still in love...with the Cubs.

There’s more to life than winning a baseball game. True Cubs fans know that. They put life in perspective.  And see the humorous side of losing. They laugh about it. And get on with the rest of their lives. Many of us fall in love. With life. Really, the Cubs are only one small part of life.  I survive. As a Cubs fan. By finding solace in losing. The Cubs have invented endless ways to lose. They are masters at the craft. They lose every which way.  It’s uncanny. Just when I think they’ve found every way to lose – they amaze. And find still another way.  The Cubs are a team of unique destiny. Even when they are only five outs from the World Series, they lose.  Some fake Cubs fans take that as a heartbreak.  Really, it’s close to the ultimate success. Which will be losing when only one out, one strike away from the World Series.  All the more reason to get on with life. And relish the joy of losing. And telling one’s self, it’s merely a baseball game.  There have been so very, very many baseball games in my lifetime. And I have fond memories of ‘em all.  Win or lose. I’m still in love. With life.  And with the Cubs.--Jim Broede

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