Wednesday, July 16, 2014

In the realm of true love.

I wonder. How many people take time out. Daily. To think. About life. About being alive. And conscious. Or if they merely go through life. On automatic pilot.  I like to wake. In the middle of the night. Because it’s an opportunity. To think. To reflect. To ponder. About the significance of being alive. And not only that. The bonus of  having my Italian true love. With me. Here in Minnesota. In the flesh. For the rest of summer. How wonderful. To have true love. Every day, really. We are together. Always. In so many ways. Because of the wonders of technology. On Skype. Being geographically and physically apart. Helps to bring us closer. With the written and spoken word.  We have learned to connect. In spiritual and soulful ways.  The primary method of communication. In the realm of true love.  In true paradise. –Jim Broede

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