Friday, July 4, 2014

Little wonder. I'm called a dreamer.

Yes, I’m a dreamer. On this Fourth of July. A national holiday. I want my country, America, to welcome immigrants. From all over the world.  But especially from places where they live in horrible conditions. Politically. Socially. Economically. I want the immigrants to come by bus loads and plane loads.  I’d roll out the red carpets. And erect ‘welcome’ signs. I know. I know. This makes me an unwelcome American. Because many, many Americans, especially those of the politically conservative stripe, want to keep America for themselves. Even though their ancestors were immigrants. Fleeing from persecution and poverty and political plundering.  I suspect many of the modern-day immigrants merely want to survive. And live decent lives. They’ll settle for the basic necessities. For opportunities to pursue happiness. Those are nice goals. I’d establish government programs that help them along the way. The dividends would be immense. For the entire country. For all Americans. America would be setting an example for the rest of the world.  By serving the common good. Little wonder. I’m called a dreamer. –Jim Broede

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