Friday, July 11, 2014

The Rick and Julie way.

My Alzheimer-riddled friend  Ron is in a state of limbo. Or maybe not. Could be this is as good as it’ll ever get. He’s back home. Living with daughter Julie and son-in-law Rick. For two months now. Because nursing homes shun him. Because he’s deemed too difficult to manage. Unless he’s medicated into a stupor.  Little wonder. That compassionate Rick and Julie rescued Ron from the deplorable nursing home environment. And brought him back home. Until they can find a nursing home that will accept him. And do the right thing. Too bad there aren’t more Ricks and Julies running nursing homes. They  know how to provide proper care. Because they really care. Don’t merely go through the motions. They show that it can be done. For five years, Rick and Julie cared for Ron. Before placing him in nursing homes. They needed respite. To maintain their sanity. They naively assumed that professionals in nursing homes knew how to provide proper and humane care. Especially for a monthly stipend of $10,600.  But Ron didn’t get it. Fortunately, he gets it now. From Rick and Julie. This is a tribute to them. They put nursing homes to shame. For being profiteers. Yes, out to make money. By warehousing the likes of Ron. Rather than providing carefully tailored, individualized care. Including mental and physical stimulation. Daily. Turns out. Ron is very manageable. That is, when he gets proper care.  The Rick and Julie way.  –Jim Broede

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