Sunday, September 21, 2014

Better to be consumed by life.

My friend Julie is consumed. By one thing. The plight of her Alzheimer-riddled father. He’s 86. And most likely won’t reach 87. Julie’s mind is occupied with how to deal with her father’s waning days. With his pending death. She probably will know no peace. Until her father dies. She doesn’t dare take time off. For a much-needed break. A respite. A vacation. Julie’s husband Rick knows better. He’s gone to France. For two weeks. For that necessary break. He’ll return Thursday. Refreshed. Relaxed. And able to assume his role as a dedicated supplemental care-giver. For his father-in-law. Rick wanted Julie to accompany him to France. But she insisted on staying home. So she could be consumed and anguished by her father’s plight.  I pleaded with Julie. Telling her go. That everyone would be better off. If she had taken time off. And gone to France. Yes, better to be consumed by life. Rather than by death. –Jim Broede

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