Monday, September 22, 2014

Life as a spectator sport.

I’m able to accept life. The good and the bad. Because I know when to be a spectator rather than a participant. I watch events occurring all around me. Over which I have little or no control. I’d like it if there wasn’t a civil war in Syria. And if America stayed out of the conflagration. I’d be gleeful if Republicans and Democrats cooperated with each other. And, hey, I’d be in a state of euphoria if the Chicago Cubs won all of their games. But I’m learning to accept the world as it is.  Because I can’t change most things. Instead, I have to get on with life. The best way I can. Which means more or less ignoring much of what’s gone wrong..   Focusing, instead, on whatever it is that makes me reasonably happy. –Jim Broede

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