Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Far beyond the religious fanatics.

I believe in the preposterous. The impossible. The absurdity of life. Seems like everyone else does. So, why not me?  Look around. At the religious fanatics. The creationists. That believe that life here on Earth was created by a god some 6,000 years ago. To hell with the scientific evidence.  Of course, I don’t buy into this stuff. Don’t believe it for a minute. I  can form my own uneducated and fanciful opinions. About anything.  Merely because I want to. Despite the total lack of evidence. If I choose, I can be a Pollyanna. And look at life positively. Telling myself that I’ll live forever. Happily. In love. With life. And always with a true love. Yes, life is idyllic.  Doesn’t matter if that sounds preposterous and impossible and absurd.  I’m far beyond the religious fanatics. Thank god.  –Jim Broede

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