Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Love crazies vs. hate crazies.

I like crazy people. There’s good crazy. And bad crazy. I’m partial to good crazy. People that are daring. Capable of falling in love.  With life. Despite the pitfalls. They know that the only way to live is to be crazy. To be non-conformists. In essence, to be themselves. Yes, that will get them in trouble. Because they live in a world where conformity prevails. Fortunately, they are able to find communes/environs where eccentricity and quirkiness are more or less tolerated. Or they retreat to their cocoons. Anyway, I am fearful of the bad crazy people. They seem to be flocking. To Syria and Iraq. And now the Americans and their crazy monarchial allies are entering the fray. That’s a very, very bad omen. Taking on the bad crazies. In a war, of all things. Makes me wonder if the bad crazies will win. And inherit the Earth. It’s a clash worth watching. I knew it would come to this some day. Love crazies vs. hate crazies.  –Jim Broede  

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