Saturday, September 6, 2014

More amazing. Than walking on H20.

I wonder. If longevity has anything to do with one’s state of mind. My assumption.  Happy people tend to live longer than unhappy people.  Don’t know for sure. If that’s true. Because I don’t know that many people.  I’ve survived into my late 70s. Might make it to 80. Perhaps that’s a factor. In making me happy.  I’m a survivor.  Of course, I could lament. That I’m nearing the end. But then I take solace. In the fact that I haven’t been cheated. I’m not going to die young. Better to die an old man. But best of all. To not die at all. To live happy and healthy forever. That’s the ultimate achievement.  More profound. Than walking on water. –Jim Broede

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