Thursday, September 4, 2014

No reason for a nervous breakdown.

Nervous breakdowns. People have ‘em. But maybe I’m immune to such a cataclysm. Because I refuse to become nervous. To the point of a breakdown. I get a hold of myself. Quickly. By analyzing the cause of my nervousness.  And that allows me to elevate my emotions. Thereby giving me some semblance of self-control.  A friend of a friend had a nervous breakdown the other day. A pity.  She apparently was overcome by grief. With the death of her mother. With whom she lived.  I can understand the depth of grief. But I’ve learned to accept death. Of loved ones. By recognizing that I haven’t lost them. They remain with me. In spirit. Meanwhile, I recognize that I’m still an alive and conscious being. Able to grapple with life. No reason for a nervous breakdown. –Jim Broede

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