Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Time to become truly civilized.

Americans, and especially Texans, accept lethal injection as a proper way to execute people. But chopping one’s head off – well, that’s considered unacceptable and barbaric.  Seems to me that the one-time most popular method of execution in the U.S. – the electric chair --  was even more cruel (and painful) than beheading. Personally, I’m opposed to capital punishment. Period. By any method. Two American journalists have been beheaded. In public. By a radical Islamist group. And that’s raised the ire of President Obama and politicians and the American public. Enough to go to war, sort of. Americans are horrified. Not only by the killing of the journalists. But by the grisly method used. Beheading. Americans find it easier to accept lethal injections. As a more civilized way to execute people. Makes me wonder. If we’ll ever become truly civilized. –Jim Broede

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