Sunday, October 19, 2014

A lousy care-giver. Really.

An overworked, hard-driven, guilt-ridden care-giver is a danger. Not only to the patient. But to herself. That’s my friend. She’s allowing her physical, mental and emotional health to deteriorate. She’s losing weight. Losing sleep. She’s in mental anguish. Does not exude good vibes. As a care-giver, she may be doing more harm than good. And she doesn’t recognize it. She’s a lovely and decent human being. But she’s losing control over her life. In my opinion, she’s headed for a nervous collapse, or worse. What good is she if that happens? Little wonder that some (too many) care-givers die before their patient. Care-giving, especially for Alzheimer’s, ain’t easy. It’s all right to admit defeat. And get help.  For one’s self.  That’s what she needs to do.  I want her around for the long haul. Alive and well. It’s time for an intervention. Time for her to see the light. I don’t want her to have the freedom to commit suicide. Of course, it won’t be called suicide. She’ll merely die of natural stress-related causes. Because she didn’t take care of herself. If that happens, she was a lousy care-giver. Really. -Jim Broede

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