Monday, October 20, 2014

Perpetual excruciating happiness.

I’d like to make unhappy people happy. To change their moods. In positive ways. Of course, some unhappy people would protest. Claiming that I’m trying to foist happiness on them. That they have an inalienable right to be sourpusses. And that I should mind my business. But I know what they are up to. They are trying to upset me, and thereby make me unhappy.  But I’m going to hold my ground. And stay happy. No matter what. I’ll continue to think positively. Maybe I’ll even cultivate a highly contagious virus that causes incurable happiness. Think of it. An epidemic of happiness. All over the world. Even those long-addicted to unhappiness would have to learn to live in a state of perpetual excruciating happiness. Until the day they die. –Jim Broede

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