Friday, October 10, 2014

Hoodwinked and bamboozled.

I’m being told to vote Republican. To cure everything that’s wrong with America. The GOP’s political ads tell me that America is in decline because of President Obama and the Democrats. Believe me, it isn’t that simple.  It would be far easier, and more accurate, to lay the blame on the Republicans. The champions of the rich. The enemy of the middle class and the poor.  Gullible and stupid Americans. That’s the real problem. Americans are easily sold a bill of goods. They have been hoodwinked. Bamboozled. By Republican propaganda. By sound bites. By lies. That’s the nature of politics. On both sides. But the worst of it comes from Republicans. The masters of deceit. Meanwhile, I try to ignore most of it. And get on with the rest of my life.  In my cocoon. In Minnesota. When I am in America. But alas, I have an escape, too. Every winter. When I flee to paradise. To Sardinia, an island in the Mediterranean Sea. To live with by Italian true love. Far, far away from the hell of American politics. –Jim Broede  

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